Deals & News

Deals & News

We are private equity experts known for our expertise and success in deals. As strategy consultants, we have participated in a wide range of transactions across different industries.

Please find the most recent deals we have been involved in.

28 February 2024
Indefi x Singulier concluded the strategic due diligence of VIALINK on behalf of Signaturit Group, supported by PSG Equity
20 February 2024
Partner Marc Durance quoted in Le Figaro – Le C919, première étape de l’offensive chinoise sur le marché aéronautique mondial
19 February 2024
Indefi concluded the strategic due diligence of Acceo on behalf of Sagard
14 February 2024
Indefi concluded the strategic due diligence of Axience on behalf of Motion Equity Partners
14 February 2024
Indefi concluded the strategic and ESG due diligence of Imdev on behalf of CAPZA and Bpifrance Investissement
13 February 2024
Indefi concluded the strategic vendor due diligence of Cofinas on behalf of its shareholders
13 February 2024
Indefi concluded the strategic vendor due diligence of Eurofeu on behalf of CAPZA
7 February 2024
Indefi ouvre en Espagne
5 February 2024
Communiqué de presse – Indefi annonce son entrée sur le marché espagnol et renforce sa présence en Europe
30 January 2024
Partner Marc Durance quoted in Le Figaro – Mise en faillite, nationalisation temporaire… Boeing peut-il échapper au scénario du pire?
29 January 2024
Partner Marc Durance quoted in Le Figaro – La révolution Ryanair, future première compagnie aérienne mondiale
29 January 2024
Indefi has concluded the strategic due diligence of Opal Demetz on behalf of Weinberg Capital Partners